quarta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2007

Livros sobre jornalismo


quarta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2007

Pro-am journalism


Welcome to Assignment Zero.

Inspired by the open-source movement, this is an attempt to bring journalists together with people in the public who can help cover a story. It's a collaboration among NewAssignment.Net, Wired, and those who choose to participate.

The investigation takes place in the open, not behind newsroom walls. Participation is voluntary; contributors are welcome from across the Web. The people getting, telling and vetting the story are a mix of professional journalists and members of the public -- also known as citizen journalists. This is a model I describe as "pro-am."

The "ams" are simply people getting together on their own time to contribute to a project in journalism that for their own reasons they support. The "pros" are journalists guiding and editing the story, setting standards, overseeing fact-checking, and publishing a final version.


An outstanding fact of the Net era is that costs for people to find each other, share information, and work together are falling rapidly. This should have consequences for reporting big, moving stories where the truth is distributed around. By pooling their intelligence and dividing up the work, a network of journalists and volunteer users should be able to find out things that the larger public needs to know.


Our site was designed for the "open" mode of news production. That means anyone can wander by and check out what we're doing. And if we do this right, anyone who is interested can find within minutes something useful to do. We're betting that openness of that type has editorial advantages bigger than its well-known weak points.

This is not just an open, but also a pro-am, project. Some things will be decided by editors, others will be left to participants. We don't know what the optimal mix is yet, but in the course of the project we'll find it.

One place that is likely to happen is The Exchange, Assignment Zero's discussion forum. That's where you can talk about the project, float ideas and tell us what's working, or not. Anyone can start a thread. The editors watch The Exchange and of course participate.

Mais sobre opne source journalism: http://www.wired.com/techbiz/media/news/2007/07/view_from_crowds e http://www.wired.com/techbiz/media/news/2007/07/creative_crowdwriting

segunda-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2007

Blogue corporativo

... ou melhor, um conselho de blogues corporativos (leia-se de marketing), Blog Council. Só tem big players, tipo Coca Cola e Dell, tentando descobrir como usar melhor blogues como ferramenta de marketing. A blogosfera (Jeff Jarvis no BuzzMachine, Jemima Kiss no pda do Guardian e Alec Saunders no Saunderslog.com) já reagiu.

sábado, 8 de dezembro de 2007


Esse negócio de Twitter tem um nome: microblogging. Uma das blogueiras do E-media tidbits, um blogue comunitário sobre jornalismo, mídia e publisinhig online do Poynter Institute, está cobrindo um seminário sobre Total Community Coverage em sua página (?) do Twitter.

quinta-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2007

Jornalismo multimídia e condições de trabalho

NUJ warns of multimedia concerns

Journalists are concerned that "often ill-conceived multi-media plans" being implemented by media companies are threatening the quality of work - and the rush to create integrated operations is putting added pressure on staff.

These were among the findings of a wide-ranging report by the National Union of Journalists, which concluded that significant investment in new technology by media organisations has not been matched by a similar investment in journalism.

The report, called Shaping the Future, found that three-quarters of those surveyed thought that integration had brought increased workloads and in some cases rising stress and longer hours. Mais...

quarta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2007

Vasculhando o Observatório da Imprensa

Polêmica de Claudio Weber Abramo sobre dicionários brasileiros
Suíte 1
Suíte 2

Estréia de No Limite

TV, 50 anos

Hélio Guimarães, sobre O Caso da Favela Naval

Grupo de Jornalismo Online da UFBA

Agora tem blogue: http://gjol.blogspot.com/

Livro sobre jornalismo digital, em pdf


Biblioteca On-Line de Ciências da Comunicação


Da Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal

Mais sobre o Digg


Blogue com tutoriais para usar melhor o Google


Livros 1

Autor : Fernando Molica (Organizador)
ISBN : 8501071749
Gênero : Ficção Brasileira - Reportagem
Páginas : 322
Formato : 14x21
Preço : R$ 46,00

Há matérias que todo bom jornalista gostaria de assinar. Exemplares pela ousadia, competência e coragem de seus autores e editores. Em 10 REPORTAGENS QUE ABALARAM A DITADURA — livro que abre a coleção Jornalismo Investigativo —, Fernando Molica reúne algumas das melhores reportagens produzidas em um dos piores momentos de nossa história. São trabalhos que se destacam em meio a uma grande e mesmo surpreendente quantidade de ótimas reportagens publicadas em uma época pouco propícia para o exercício do jornalismo.

Título : 50 ANOS DE CRIMES
Autor : Fernando Molica (Organizador)
ISBN : 8501076066
Gênero : Ficção Brasileira - Reportagem
Páginas : 546
Formato : 16X23
Preço : R$ 50,00

50 ANOS DE CRIMES mostra a trajetória ao mesmo tempo fascinante e aterradora do crime no Brasil através de uma seleção de reportagens policiais entre os anos 50 e 90. O livro é o segundo volume da Coleção Jornalismo Investigativo, uma iniciativa da Editora Record e da Abraji - Associação Brasileira de Jornalismo Investigativo. Assim como o primeiro livro da coleção - 10 Reportagens que abalaram a ditadura (2005) - o objetivo deste é resgatar reportagens importantes que marcaram a imprensa brasileira e ajudar a compreender a evolução da violência do país e do próprio jornalismo.

Sobre o Digg

Vince Cerf entrevista Kevin Rose, fundador do Digg, para a editoria Google & The Media no MediaGuardian.
O Digg não entra na Facamp, mas aqui tem uma página do How Stuff Works a respeito (checar How Stuff Works)

O futuro dos mecanismos de busca

Sobre o futuro dosa mecanismos de busca:
Peter Norvig
Director of research, Google

Yale librarian Rutherford Rogers said "We're drowning in information and starving for knowledge." The internet is an ocean of information and in the near future we'll speed through it effortlessly and intuitively, like a tuna. No, I don't mean you'll have fins.

If you haven't been searching for [tuna tail vortices] recently, you may not know that a tuna's body creates small vortices in the water that are then channelled by the tuna's tail to create additional power.

This symbiosis of tuna and watery environment forms a more efficient propulsion system than anything designed by human engineers.

In the future, a similar symbiosis of searcher and computational environment will allow us to move faster through the internet than we would have thought possible. We will not just be typing in keywords and getting back a list of 10 web pages.

Instead, our interaction will be more fluid, our computers will accept our requests in many forms, and will scan our environment proactively, looking for ways to provide us with additional power. We will get back web pages, yes, along with existing books and videos, but also custom tables, charts, animations, databases, and summarisations created on-the-fly in response to our specific needs.

Today, nobody says "I need to connect to a megawatt power station" - instead we assume that electricity will be available on demand in almost every room of every building we visit. Edison could see that this would be useful, but could not foresee the range of appliances, from food processors to mp3 players, that this availability would enable. So too will information flow freely to us in the future, and be transformed by as-yet-unforeseen information appliances.
Está numa edição especial do MediaGuardian que tem o Vince Cerf, vice-presidente do Google, como editor-convidado.

Cursos de jornalismo (online, multimídia etc.)

Algumas descrições de cursos
The City University of New York
Jour71003 Fundamentals of Interactive Journalism 3 credits
Students first assess how technology is changing journalism. They then learn the tools and techniques of interactive media. The goal: to learn the fundamentals of telling stories online using text, graphics, audio, video, and interactivity. Students will also use the tools of web logging and create their own blogs.
Jour72304 Interactive Journalism I 3 credits
Students learn the tools of interactive media in order to report, write, and package stories for online distribution. Forms include text, photos, graphics, external links, audio, video, and interactivity. Each student will publish stories on an internal blog for review by other students and the instructor. Reporting will focus on a neighborhood or approved topic for ongoing coverage.
Jour73309 Interactive Journalism II 3 credits
This course emphasizes collaborative deadline work to maintain two on-going public news sites covering subjects critical to New York, for example, education. Students will produce stories in all appropriate forms: text, web page, interactive elements, blog updates, wiki resources, photos, graphics, video, and interactivity. Students will also link to relevant stories in established media. Once edited, stories will be made public, adding reporting depth to subjects of public importance.

Jour73310 Seminar: Interactive Journalism Issues 3 credits
Technology is changing journalism: its context, its delivery, its audience, and perhaps its standards. How do we combine the best of traditional media with the best of the online world? Students will examine these fundamental issues and write about them on their weblogs for weekly discussion. As a capstone to the new media track, they will write a proposal by semester end for a new-media business, formulating an idea, researching consumer need, creating a content plan, and arguing the business case.

Jour73311 Creating Interactive Journalism 3 credits
This course has students plan and develop interactive media journalism projects. The purpose is to prepare them to launch their own news products and businesses or develop such products for a media company, as they take a leadership role in reinvigorating journalism. The news project may involve reporting by professionals or citizens; it may involve packaging and editing; it may involve interactivity. Students will research the market need and competition. They will develop a compelling product description, draw up a simple business plan, assemble a prototype and present it to a jury of professionals.

Bibliografia sobre jornalismo online do Poynter Institute

1. Começamos daqui:
Histórias da Internet
Um guia bastante completo aqui, na página da Internet Society.
Blogues que importam
BuzzMachine -- Blogue do Jeff Jarvis, colunista de novas mídias do The Guardian (tem página de cobertura de mídia, com sbuseção de mídia digital)e professor do curso de pós-graduação em The City University of New York (fiz uma seleção de descrições de cursos de jornalismo interativo.
História e novas mídias
Página do Center for History and New Media, com uma série de projetos online sobre história (alguns com fontes primárias), sobretudo, norte-americana. Tem uma página interessante de ferramentas.

terça-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2007

Cem blogues brasileiros, segundo InterNey


Será que o Google não é suficiente?


Google fornece 60% das buscas realizadas no planeta, estudo da comScore 09:26 Usuarios em todo o mundo fazem 1,4 milhao de buscas na web a cada minuto, diz estudo da comScore. A maior parte deste volume passa pelo Google, dominante em quase todos os 170 países pesquisados. O estudo é baseado no trafego de agosto. Indica 37 bilhoes de buscas atraves do Google ao redor do planeta - cerca de 60% do total. Nos EUA, o Google responde por 50% das buscas. O Yahoo é o 2o no mundo com 8,5 bilhoes de buscas, seguido pelo Baidu (3,3 bilhoes). A pesquisadora estima que 750 milhoes de pessoas em todo o mundo fizeram buscas na web em agosto - cada pessoa realizando 80 buscas. Noticia da AP. Outras sobre numeros da internet leia aqui.

Mais relatórios Web: http://www.bluebus.com.br/buscant.php?st=key&key=web_r_inclinado

Hoje, explorando

* Technorati
* BlogBlogs